Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blizzard Did it Again - Are You Ready?

t's no secret that Blizzard is one of the greatest PC game developers on the planet. The put together some of the biggest, best, and most impressive PC games you'll ever see - and the results have been incredible. With only a handful of games to their name (and only 3 releases in the last 10 years), they've managed to solidify their status as the most successful game developer in the United States, even merging with Activision to become the biggest.

So, what does all that mean for you? It means that when Starcraft 2 hits the market, there are going to be millions of players - some of them with years of experience in games like this - out there ready to beat you into oblivion..unless you do something to prepare for it.

Blizzard's games have always been deceptive. They seem easy and accessible, but once your each the echelon of achievement, they're tough as hell. You'll get your backside handed to you time and again if you don't have the tools and knowledge to defeat your human foes.

So, with Starcraft 2, the idea is pretty simple. You either get some help up front, or you take your licks for the next 6 months learning how to play the game before you actually win any matches. For a lot of us, that second option sounds pretty cruddy.

So, that's why guides like STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS have come along and made themselves indispensable to players of all skill levels. They're teaching us how to master strategies that some players have never heard of, and to counter strategies that will defeat most newbies in seconds.

If you're dreading the first few days of play instead of being excited for it, it's time to get a guide that is going to help you do everything better - from top to bottom. STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS is that guide.

Who Needs a Guide for Starcraft 2?

Every time a new game hits the market, there seems to be a guide that goes with it - providing a bevy of tools and strategies to help players get better at the game and master the multiplayer aspects. This is exactly what has happened with Starcraft 2 - the newest and deepest of Blizzard's long line of RTS games (including Starcraft and Warcraft).

If you're anything like me, you want to be the best whenever you step into a PC game's multiplayer mode. But, with a game like Starcraft 2, it can take a LOT of time to get there. You must be ready to invest hours into getting your but whooped time and again.

That's where the guides come along, promising to provide a huge array of strategies and tools to help you be much better than most of the newbies out there. Of course, no guide can promise and deliver on getting you to Diamond status overnight, but the idea is sound - you learn how to play the game like a pro, and eventually you'll start doing it.

So, what about , STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS? What does it offer that makes it unique in the eyes of strategy readers everywhere? To start with, these are not recycled strategies from Starcraft or the forums. You'll find original ideas and methods for defeating your foes in here every time.

That doesn't mean the classics aren't here. You'll still be rushing zerglings and walling off your Terran base, but you'll also be building high ground, using your scouts, maneuvering your army and outthinking your foes.

I don't often admit to needing a guide for a game, but with Starcraft 2, I really needed something that would help me stand out from my opponents and be one of the better players on It wasn't going to happen overnight unless I got some help.

So I did, and you should too - before everyone else finds out what I already did.

FarmVille Secrets

Getting to the Root of the Newest Starcraft 2 Guide

Every now and then a new video game comes along and blows away millions of people. This time around, that game is Starcraft 2. So, for all of you gamers out there interested in knowing what it takes to get to the top of this brand new, high level RTS, you're probably looking for a guide to help you through it, and you've no doubt seen the newest guide on the market - to Starcraft2 Secrets.

But, how does this new guide stackup against the bevy of other guides out there. What does it do that the other guides don't?

First up, it's a little different. So many other guides on the market are written to dripfeed information to you. They release one or two new strategies every couple weeks in the hope that you'll keep paying them over time for recycled information. STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS offers you everything you need up front and continues to sweeten the pot by tossing in updated, fresh new content on a regular basis.

Okay, so that's the basics. But, what about the rest? What else does STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS do to stand out? If you haven't yet played Starcraft 2, you should know that there are millions of players out there who have your number - they've been playing since 1998 when the first Starcraft came out and they play this game hard.

So,STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS evens the playing field by showing their most common winning methods, how they master the content time and again and how you can be the first one to do it, rather than sitting by idly, waiting for someone else to come along and help you get better.

Starcraft 2 is not like Starcraft in a lot of ways. If you can capitalize on those differences, plan early and master the basic and advanced strategies laid out in , STARCRAFT 2 SECRETS, you'll be well on your way to being one of the best on But, you need to act fast - waiting is only going to prolong your agony.